Tuesday, 21 June 2011

hell to the yeahh, im finished :)

hello lovely followers :)

today i finally finished my a levels! i had my last exam and now im finally free from revision for a whole summer, lovely!
i don't think its properly sunk in, i've been to the pre-school, primary school, secondary school and sixth form in my town, thats 14 years of my life spent here!

so, i treated myself to a few things in a charity shop on my way home, here are a few photos...

the top and the two necklaces are new, also bought a shawl but the photos of it were crap, but i will soon be doing an outfit post :)

oh and i also had my hair cut yesterday and i love it, now it doesnt feel like i have a massive scarf around my shoulders 24/7, so much better for summer!

this summer i'm planning on clearing through my clothes and making three piles

  1. things to keep, as they are
  2. things to keep but customise/diy/CHANGE somehow
  3. things to donate to charity
bullet two is the one i'm the most excited about, i've been very inspired by lots of bloggers' diy's, i'll do a post as soon as i start :)

so now im going to say bye and watch the end of a documentary about the English National Ballet, i've already watched it once but it is really interesting!

bye :) Xxx

Monday, 13 June 2011

Monday = blogging, not revision

Hi everyone!

I really shouldn't be blogging today, (or on the computer at all,) because of my exam tomorrow, but recently I've been experiencing a slight lack of motivation to revise. I think this is due to the fact that im desperate to do something new, whether being creative and starting a business, going abroad and travelling, or just getting another job.

I've always loved baking (you might be able to tell this already from my blog!) and I'd love to own a cake and coffee shop, where you could go and just eat cakes and drink coffee (my life) :) I just don't know how to make this possible in the small town where I live in Cornwall. I wish I lived in a city!

I keep having idea's for new things to do and getting so excited about all the prospects, I dont know if I'm keen enough for uni anymore :S

Anyway, ramblings over now :) I just signed up for my local Race For Life race! I'm so excited to do it!
I'll be running with my mum, in memory of my amazing Granny who sadly died last year from cancer. It really feels like I can help somehow by entering, I hope to raise lots of sponsership money to help the cause.

Hope everybody is having a lovely Monday, sorry for my somewhat disjointed post today :) Xx

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Bye holiday :(

Hi everyone :)

Today is the last day of my final half-term holiday EVER - a very sad day (kinda.)
This holiday has been filled with lots of revision, days spent working in a little jewellery shop where i live, baking, seeing my girls and spending time with my family :)

Aaand, i have finallly got round to uploading some of my own photos for the blog!

My yummy cupcakes naaammm

Some photo's taken at a nearby National Trust garden

Hopefully, this week i will get round to taking a few of my prom dress! I'm just a bit hesitent because i'm not sure which shoes to wear - maybe i will put up a few photos and ask your advice :)

So, happy last day of holidays :)

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Been a while...

Wow, i only realised this morning that its been a full 13 days since i posted, almost two weeks!
This is bad, but im here now :)

The other day i bought my 6th form prom dress! For those of you who read my post on possible prom dresses i suppose its most like the summery one, but i will be putting photos up of it very soon!

So, a short post for the minute as none of my photos are on the computer yet, but i will be back soon :)


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

spainsiiees and gaga

Hi everyone!

Sorry my blogging has not been very up-to-date and regular recently, although lots of other people seem to be being hit with a case of ceebs regarding blogging aswel...

So, today i'm living in excitement central because i booked to go to spain with my friend!
i'm super excited, it will be lovely to have something relaxing to look forward to after literally 2 years of non-stop pressure with a levels.

After watching the new look advert and browsing the internet, i have come up with my top 5 things i reeeally want for my holiday :)


So will just need to do a few more shifts to be able to buy all these... ha!

I'd also like to proclaim my love for Lady Gaga. Watching r1's big weekend has affirmed the fact that she is potentially the most amazingy original, talented, sexy female artist ever!
I can't wait until i hear her new album, if born this way, judas, hair and edge of glory are anything to go by its gonna be awesome :)


Monday, 9 May 2011

hey :)

hi everyone, sorry i've been gone a while!
i've been so stupidly busy, what with french oral, my job and other life stuff i have had pretty much 0 time!

i haven't actually got that much to blog about today :(
i went on a charity shop hunt - im desperate to buy my prom dress from a charity shop, i think it would be pretty good :) and as it is only my prom for my 6th form i think i could find some cocktail dressish appropriate thing
but no luck yet!

and if that fails i have some ideas...

something summery?

something sexy?

something ... prommy?

all asos

i'm not sure, what do you think? :)
in fact, after doing all that saving and importing, i'm not sure i actually like any of them!

so, now its off to do more work
and it's 90210 tomorrow, yessss :D


Saturday, 30 April 2011

royal wedding and things

hi everyone,

sorry i havn't blogged in over a week, i've been SO super busy with preparing for my french speaking exam - im so sick of talking about nuclear power in french :S

so, yesterday was the royal wedding :) i set my alarm at 7am so i could get up and watch from the beginning, but i think the enticement of champagne breakfast helped me get up so early!

i loved kate's dress, i thought it was lovely having the traditional long sleeves mixed with the more modern see-throughness of them (plus she does love a bit of see-through!)

made my nommy ginger cakes aswel yesterday, to take to my friends house where i watched the wedding. thought i would put the recipe on here as it has been requested, so here it is! ...

10oz self-raising flour
5oz caster sugar
1 teaspoon bicarb of soda
3 teaspoons of ground ginger (you can put in more if you like, as this it is quite a mild flavour with 3)
3 tablespoons golden syrup
1/4 pint corn oil (theres a brand called Mazola which i use)
1/2 pint milk :)

just put it all in a food processor and thats it!
they cook for like 25/30 ish mins at 180 degrees C

chop up some crystalised ginger and put that on the top before you cook too if you really like ginger :)
and you can make normal butter icing if you want that too
nommm :)


Friday, 22 April 2011

Jelly bean William

Today, inspired by the jelly bean that looks scarily like Kate Middleton (although im not sure if i think its real,) i searched through my jelly bean factory jelly beans tube that i got as an early easter present to look for William. Look what i found...

how sad am i :P

thats pretty much the extent of what i did today, although i have potentially gotten a slight tan, wahey :)


Thursday, 21 April 2011


hey everyone :)

skirt zara, top topshop

this is what i wore yesterday to meet my friend, and then we went for a lovely barbeque on the beach, only it was too dark to take photos :(

its not a particularly interesting outfit, but i just love the skirt so much - that is the colour i wanted my hair dammitt! and i think the wind was slightly blowing my skirt in the second photo - im hoping my arse isnt that shape :S

have just been looking on the topshop website where they have a new look called 'summer prints' - pretty much want all of it, especially...

all topshop

what do you think?


Tuesday, 19 April 2011


hello :) i know i keep banging on about the yummy weather but it is really really lovely,
right thats over.

here are a couple photos of what i wore today, only problem is i took them with my webcam which is pretty damn not amazing, on the first photo i look like a sim!

as you can see, my pink hair has reallly faded and now im left with salmon hair - wahey >:(
so im potentially thinking of changing the colour - maybe turquoize?
any ideas?


Sunday, 17 April 2011


hi everyone, i hope you have all had a lovely day in the sun today :)

i have some new photos to post, but cannot find my fricking lead, its the bane of my life trying to keep that thing in a sensible place!

so i'll compensate by posting a few photos of summery wedge heel shoes i realllly have to have :)

topshop, new look, zara, h&m, topshop
i also went for a jog in this really pretty place today, its by a river and one day (when im not jogging) i will take my camera because it really is quite pretty :)
anyway, after my jog i came home and realised the london marathon is today, duhh, and then was embarrased at my amateurish attempts at jogging!

i also baked ginger cupcakes, my vegan recipe ones again which really are nomnomnommm
so im looking forward to having one of those and watching the only way later, i know its bad and its such a guilty pleasure but there is pretty much no other tv on at the moment!


Thursday, 14 April 2011

so, i did it :)

just a very quick post to show you my haiirrrrr :)

i was so excited i forgot to change into something else other than my dads old gardening top to take a photo aha :)

what do you think?


Wednesday, 13 April 2011

trees, grandparents, hair and ebay :)

hi everyone!

i got back today from visiting grandparents - it was lovely to see them again as we dont get to see them very often and to spend time with them in the sun :)

here's a few photos i (and my mum) took when we were there, i absolutely LOVED this tree aha, its a magnolia one and it comes from japan
and after consulting my grandad's tree book i found that pretty much all pretty colourful trees come from japan originally, im such a tree buff ;)

also, when i got back today i had a lovely surprise for me in the post - my pink hair dye! (so i guess its not really a surprise aha)
and i've done a patch test and its come out awesomo, so tomorrow i should be fully dip-dyed, that well known verb :)

have been getting quite a lot of traffic so thank you everyone for that, i really appreciate it and love that you guys actually read what i write about :)

ohh, last thing, am toying with the idea of selling some things on ebay, just things like jewellery/scarves/belts i dont wear anymore
oh and rings that i bought to try and force my tiny hands to grow, but that really are too big to wear!
more posts on this in the future :)

bye :) x x x

Saturday, 9 April 2011

aah yeeah it's the holiday :)

hi everyone, am very excited today because its the first day of the holiday, and its super sunny and warm
everyone is already cracking out the summer dresses and i'm LOVING it!
aha :)

so this is the productive day me and my friend had ...

enough said.

yesterday i celebrated the beginning of the hols with friends and drinkies and 'get him to the greek'
never knew p diddy could be so absolutely hilarious
or maybe it was the martini's... aha :)

anyway, i shant be blogging for a few days as i'm going to visit my grandad, i shall miss it and also miss reading everyones lovely blogs!

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

what a lovely day

i've had such a good day so far today! i have
  • bought elle
  •  made flapjacks with the most delicious spices in which have transformed my house into the most amazing smelling place
  • got lots of french work done (thats my keenforfrench face)
  • went on a lovely walk in the sun!
and later i have ballet, it really is a good day today!

what have you all done to enjoy the sun today?


Tuesday, 5 April 2011


im so excited, i am about to reply to my uni offers!
im gonna make essex my firm and bangor my insurance, both for modern language, yayyyyy :)
anybody go/know anyone who goes to essex uni?

yesterday i order pink hair dye from the internet, so i can die dye my hair soon!
im super excited, i have literally never ever dyed my hair before, so its definately time for a change!

so really, im pretty excited about everything at the moment!
oh and elle comes out tomorrow - another plus to this week :)

happy tuesday!


Sunday, 3 April 2011

mothers day :)

happy mothers day everyone aha!
and happy mothers day mummy :)

what did you all do for your mums today?

i got up super early and made chocolate cupcakes and lemon and ginger cupcakes with lemon curd, vegan ones because dairy makes my throat swell, its pretty bad times :S
and then i made lots of little sandwiches for high tea (pinkie raised)

so, i've eaten a LOTTTT of yummy, but badforyou food today aha, but i did also go for a jog too :)

heres another outfit from my lookbook...

i didnt wear this today, cos i didnt have time to photograph what i did wear , but i really like this outfit!
now im off to eat more cupcakes with my friend, and to savour the last of the weekend!


Saturday, 2 April 2011

i wanna dip dye!

mentioned yesterday about how im thinking of dipdyeing my hair
so, i want it to look like this...

i think its a really cool trend that pretty much no one that i know has chosen to adopt
perhaps it's a little out there, but i think if its done well it looks realll good!
so do you think it would suit my hair? :)

also, just thought i would take this dipdyed hair moment to mention my love for nicki minaj at the moment, i think shes properly amazing and a totally original female soloartist - I LOVE HER :)


Friday, 1 April 2011


well, im back from a lovely trip to the theatre to watch a musical with only one person it!
took a bit of getting used to but i really enjoyed it :)
and i was pretty excited to wear my new nommy heels out for the first time - didn't trip, score :P

so, heres a couple more pictures of my outfit tonight...

not that amaze but i do like photos :)

also, im thinking of dipdyeing my hair pinky/red, i wondered what anyone thought?

will do a post on it with photos soon...


theatre :)

just time for a quick post before i go to the theatre to see tell me on a sunday :)

here's a peek at what im wearing ...

top £8 h&m

am pretending to gammily fly to show you the cooool batwing sleeves!

will upload the look onto lookbook later i think, really love the potential for individuality and creativity on that website :)


Thursday, 31 March 2011

oh hey my names clint :)

so before i go any further, im sorry for the quality of my photos, my camera isn't great on timer...

anyway, here is one of the first looks from my lookbook:

top - h&m £15

when i wore it to sixth form i got lots of compliments which was nice
and some very clever people said i should also have been wearing a feather headdress...
which, to be honest, would actually look quite cool :)
